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蔡依林 “ONE NIGHT 給小孩”演唱會 北京工人體育館 2018
2018 "ONE NIGHT to Children" Charity Concert @ The Worker’s Stadium,Beijing 10月19日,由周迅發起的關愛特殊兒童公益項目“ONE NIGHT 給小孩”2018公益演唱會在北京工人體育館完滿舉行。...

張靚穎 世界巡迴演唱會
Jane Zhang World Tour Concert 2018.4 - Current KB/Leader Jay Hung, GT/ Mike Mclaughlin GT/ Wayne Ni, Bass/ Andy Peterson, Drum/ Martin...

蔡依林 世界巡迴演唱會
Jolin Tsai World Tour Concert 2015.5 - 2016.7 (Band Leader / KB player) World concert tour location include Shanghai, Beijing, Singapore,...

玖壹壹 台灣巡迴演唱會
Nine One One Taiwan Tour 2016.9 -2017.1 (Band Leader / KB player Tour location in Taiwan 台北,台中,高雄 Taiwan Hip Hop...

張信哲 世界巡迴演唱會
Jeff Chang World Tour 2015 (Band Leader / KB player World tour concert location include Singapore, Malaysia, Sydney...
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